



/// @dev Models a uint -> uint mapping where it is possible to iterate over all keys.
library IterableMapping
  struct itmap
    mapping(uint => IndexValue) data;
    KeyFlag[] keys;
    uint size;
  struct IndexValue { uint keyIndex; uint value; }
  struct KeyFlag { uint key; bool deleted; }
  function insert(itmap storage self, uint key, uint value) returns (bool replaced)
    uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
    self.data[key].value = value;
    if (keyIndex > 0)
      return true;
      keyIndex = self.keys.length++;
      self.data[key].keyIndex = keyIndex + 1;
      self.keys[keyIndex].key = key;
      return false;
  function remove(itmap storage self, uint key) returns (bool success)
    uint keyIndex = self.data[key].keyIndex;
    if (keyIndex == 0)
      return false;
    delete self.data[key];
    self.keys[keyIndex - 1].deleted = true;
    self.size --;
  function contains(itmap storage self, uint key) returns (bool)
    return self.data[key].keyIndex > 0;
  function iterate_start(itmap storage self) returns (uint keyIndex)
    return iterate_next(self, uint(-1));
  function iterate_valid(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (bool)
    return keyIndex < self.keys.length;
  function iterate_next(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (uint r_keyIndex)
    while (keyIndex < self.keys.length && self.keys[keyIndex].deleted)
    return keyIndex;
  function iterate_get(itmap storage self, uint keyIndex) returns (uint key, uint value)
    key = self.keys[keyIndex].key;
    value = self.data[key].value;


// How to use it:
contract User
  // Just a struct holding our data.
  IterableMapping.itmap data;
  // Insert something
  function insert(uint k, uint v) returns (uint size)
    // Actually calls itmap_impl.insert, auto-supplying the first parameter for us.
    IterableMapping.insert(data, k, v);
    // We can still access members of the struct - but we should take care not to mess with them.
    return data.size;
  // Computes the sum of all stored data.
  function sum() returns (uint s)
    for (var i = IterableMapping.iterate_start(data); IterableMapping.iterate_valid(data, i); i = IterableMapping.iterate_next(data, i))
        var (key, value) = IterableMapping.iterate_get(data, i);
        s += value;

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