
2019-05-15 12:25:41




提到dpos,就不得不提到pos,PoS全称Proof of Stake,意为权益证明。说得直白一些就是谁存款多,存款时间长,谁就有权出块(记帐)。这个解决了POW一个痛点,即它不用挖矿,所以也不用耗费老多的电能。但是这这个算法有个致命问题,资本决定了一切,所以很容易被有钱人垄断。







auto registerProducer = register_producer_subcommand(system);
auto unregisterProducer = unregister_producer_subcommand(system);

auto voteProducer = system->add_subcommand("voteproducer", localized("Vote for a producer"));
auto voteProxy = vote_producer_proxy_subcommand(voteProducer);
auto voteProducers = vote_producers_subcommand(voteProducer);
auto approveProducer = approve_producer_subcommand(voteProducer);
auto unapproveProducer = unapprove_producer_subcommand(voteProducer);

auto listProducers = list_producers_subcommand(system);

auto delegateBandWidth = delegate_bandwidth_subcommand(system);
auto undelegateBandWidth = undelegate_bandwidth_subcommand(system);
auto listBandWidth = list_bw_subcommand(system);


*  @pre producers must be sorted from lowest to highest and must be registered and active
*  @pre if proxy is set then no producers can be voted for
*  @pre if proxy is set then proxy account must exist and be registered as a proxy
*  @pre every listed producer or proxy must have been previously registered
*  @pre voter must authorize this action
*  @pre voter must have previously staked some EOS for voting
*  @pre voter->staked must be up to date
*  @post every producer previously voted for will have vote reduced by previous vote weight
*  @post every producer newly voted for will have vote increased by new vote amount
*  @post prior proxy will proxied_vote_weight decremented by previous vote weight
*  @post new proxy will proxied_vote_weight incremented by new vote weight
*  If voting for a proxy, the producer votes will not change until the proxy updates their own vote.
void system_contract::voteproducer( const account_name voter_name, const account_name proxy, const std::vector<account_name>& producers ) {
   require_auth( voter_name );//验证资格
   update_votes( voter_name, proxy, producers, true );
void system_contract::update_votes( const account_name voter_name, const account_name proxy, const std::vector<account_name>& producers, bool voting ) {
  //validate input
  if ( proxy ) {//判断是否为代理
     eosio_assert( producers.size() == 0, "cannot vote for producers and proxy at same time" );
     eosio_assert( voter_name != proxy, "cannot proxy to self" );
     require_recipient( proxy );//添加代理帐户
  } else {
     eosio_assert( producers.size() <= 30, "attempt to vote for too many producers" );
     for( size_t i = 1; i < producers.size(); ++i ) { //验证英文注释中的排序
        eosio_assert( producers[i-1] < producers[i], "producer votes must be unique and sorted" );

  auto voter = \_voters.find(voter_name);
  eosio_assert( voter \!= \_voters.end(), "user must stake before they can vote" ); /// staking creates voter object
  eosio_assert( !proxy || !voter->is_proxy, "account registered as a proxy is not allowed to use a proxy" );

   * The first time someone votes we calculate and set last_vote_weight, since they cannot unstake until
   * after total_activated_stake hits threshold, we can use last_vote_weight to determine that this is
   * their first vote and should consider their stake activated.
  if( voter->last_vote_weight <= 0.0 ) {
   \_gstate.total_activated_stake += voter->staked;
     if( \_gstate.total_activated_stake >= min_activated_stake ) {
        \_gstate.thresh_activated_stake_time = current_time();

  auto new_vote_weight = stake2vote( voter->staked );
  if( voter->is_proxy ) {//是否代理
     new_vote_weight += voter->proxied_vote_weight;

  boost::container::flat_map<account_name, pair<double, bool /*new*/> > producer_deltas;
  if ( voter->last_vote_weight > 0 ) {
     if( voter->proxy ) {
        auto old_proxy = \_voters.find( voter->proxy );
        eosio_assert( old_proxy != \_voters.end(), "old proxy not found" ); //data corruption
        \_voters.modify( old_proxy, 0, [&]( auto& vp ) {//投票后减去相应权重,对应英文注释
              vp.proxied_vote_weight -= voter->last_vote_weight;
        propagate_weight_change( *old_proxy ); //继续更新相关权重
     } else {
        for( const auto& p : voter->producers ) {
           auto& d = producer_deltas[p];
           d.first -= voter->last_vote_weight;
           d.second = false;

  if( proxy ) {//处理代理
     auto new_proxy = \_voters.find( proxy );
     eosio_assert( new_proxy != \_voters.end(), "invalid proxy specified" ); //if ( !voting ) { data corruption } else { wrong vote }
     eosio_assert( !voting || new_proxy->is_proxy, "proxy not found" );
     if ( new_vote_weight >= 0 ) {
        \_voters.modify( new_proxy, 0, [&]( auto& vp ) {
              vp.proxied_vote_weight += new_vote_weight;
        propagate_weight_change( *new_proxy );
  } else {
     if( new_vote_weight >= 0 ) {
        for( const auto& p : producers ) {
           auto& d = producer_deltas[p];
           d.first += new_vote_weight;
           d.second = true;

 //  投票资格验证
  for( const auto& pd : producer_deltas ) {
     auto pitr = \_producers.find( pd.first );
     if( pitr != \_producers.end() ) {
        eosio_assert( !voting || pitr->active() || !pd.second.second /* not from new set */, "producer is not currently registered" );
        \_producers.modify( pitr, 0, [&]( auto& p ) {
           p.total_votes += pd.second.first;
           if ( p.total_votes < 0 ) { // floating point arithmetics can give small negative numbers
              p.total_votes = 0;
           \_gstate.total_producer_vote_weight += pd.second.first;
           //eosio_assert( p.total_votes >= 0, "something bad happened" );
     } else {
        eosio_assert( !pd.second.second /* not from new set */, "producer is not registered" ); //data corruption

  \_voters.modify( voter, 0, [&]( auto& av ) {
     av.last_vote_weight = new_vote_weight;
     av.producers = producers;
     av.proxy     = proxy;


 *  This method will create a producer_config and producer_info object for 'producer'
 *  @pre producer is not already registered
 *  @pre producer to register is an account
 *  @pre authority of producer to register
void system_contract::regproducer( const account_name producer, const eosio::public_key& producer_key, const std::string& url, uint16_t location ) {
   eosio_assert( url.size() < 512, "url too long" );
   eosio_assert( producer_key != eosio::public_key(), "public key should not be the default value" );
   require_auth( producer );

   auto prod = \_producers.find( producer );

   if ( prod != \_producers.end() ) { //已注册
      if( producer_key != prod->producer_key ) {//已注册,但KEY不同,即同名不同人,修改相关设置
          \_producers.modify( prod, producer, [&]( producer_info& info ){
               info.producer_key = producer_key;
               info.is_active    = true;
               info.url          = url;
               info.location     = location;
   } else {//全新加入
      \_producers.emplace( producer, [&]( producer_info& info ){
            info.owner         = producer;
            info.total_votes   = 0;
            info.producer_key  = producer_key;
            info.is_active     = true;
            info.url           = url;
            info.location      = location;
void system_contract::unregprod( const account_name producer ) {
   require_auth( producer );

   const auto& prod = \_producers.get( producer, "producer not found" );

   \_producers.modify( prod, 0, [&]( producer_info& info ){
void system_contract::update_elected_producers( block_timestamp block_time ) {
   \_gstate.last_producer_schedule_update = block_time;

   auto idx = \_producers.get_index<N(prototalvote)>();

   std::vector< std::pair<eosio::producer_key,uint16_t> > top_producers;

   for ( auto it = idx.cbegin(); it != idx.cend() && top_producers.size() < 21 && 0 < it->total_votes && it->active(); ++it ) {
      top_producers.emplace_back( std::pair<eosio::producer_key,uint16_t>({{it->owner, it->producer_key}, it->location}) );

   if ( top_producers.size() < \_gstate.last_producer_schedule_size ) {

   /// sort by producer name
   std::sort( top_producers.begin(), top_producers.end() );

   std::vector<eosio::producer_key> producers;

   for( const auto& item : top_producers )

   bytes packed_schedule = pack(producers);

   if( set_proposed_producers( packed_schedule.data(),  packed_schedule.size() ) >= 0 ) {
      \_gstate.last_producer_schedule_size = static_cast<decltype(\_gstate.last_producer_schedule_size)>( top_producers.size() );
*  An account marked as a proxy can vote with the weight of other accounts which
*  have selected it as a proxy. Other accounts must refresh their voteproducer to
*  update the proxy's weight.
*  @param isproxy - true if proxy wishes to vote on behalf of others, false otherwise
*  @pre proxy must have something staked (existing row in voters table)
*  @pre new state must be different than current state
void system_contract::regproxy( const account_name proxy, bool isproxy ) {
  require_auth( proxy );

  auto pitr = \_voters.find(proxy);
  if ( pitr != \_voters.end() ) {
     eosio_assert( isproxy != pitr->is_proxy, "action has no effect" );
     eosio_assert( !isproxy || !pitr->proxy, "account that uses a proxy is not allowed to become a proxy" );
     \_voters.modify( pitr, 0, [&]( auto& p ) {
           p.is_proxy = isproxy;
     propagate_weight_change( *pitr );
  } else {
     \_voters.emplace( proxy, [&]( auto& p ) {
           p.owner  = proxy;
           p.is_proxy = isproxy;


 * When a user posts we create a record that tracks the total votes and the time it
 * was created. A user can submit this action multiple times, but subsequent calls do
 * nothing.
 * This method only does something when called in the context of the author, if
 * any other contexts are notified
void apply_social_post() {
   const auto& post   = current_action<post_action>();
   require_auth( post.author );

   eosio_assert( current_context() == post.author, "cannot call from any other context" );

   static post_record& existing;
   if( !Db::get( post.postid, existing ) )
      Db::store( post.postid, post_record( now() ) );

 * This action is called when a user casts a vote, it requires that this code is executed
 * in the context of both the voter and the author. When executed in the author's context it
 * updates the vote total.  When executed
void apply_social_vote() {
   const auto& vote  = current_action<vote_action>();
   require_recipient( vote.voter, vote.author );
   disable_context_code( vote.author() ); /// prevent the author's code from rejecting the potentially negative vote

   auto context = current_context();
   auto voter = vote.getVoter();

   if( context == vote.author ) {
      static post_record post;
      eosio_assert( Db::get( vote.postid, post ) > 0, "unable to find post" );
      eosio_assert( now() - post.created < days(7), "cannot vote after 7 days" );
      post.votes += vote.vote_power;
      Db::store( vote.postid, post );
   else if( context == vote.voter ) {
      static account vote_account;
      Db::get( "account", vote_account );
      auto abs_vote = abs(vote.vote_power);
      vote_account.vote_power = min( vote_account.social_power,
                                     vote_account.vote_power + (vote_account.social_power * (now()-last_vote)) / days(7));
      eosio_assert( abs_vote <= vote_account.vote_power, "insufficient vote power" );
      post.votes += vote.vote_power;
      vote_account.vote_power -= abs_vote;
      vote_account.last_vote  = now();
      Db::store( "account", vote_account );
   } else {
      eosio_assert( false, "invalid context for execution of this vote" );



struct block_header_state {
   uint32_t                          dpos_proposed_irreversible_blocknum = 0;
   uint32_t                          dpos_irreversible_blocknum = 0;
   uint32_t                          bft_irreversible_blocknum = 0;  //BFT




producer_plugin_impl::start_block_result producer_plugin_impl::start_block() {
  if (\_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
  // determine if our watermark excludes us from producing at this point
  if (currrent_watermark_itr != \_producer_watermarks.end()) {
     if (currrent_watermark_itr->second >= hbs->block_num + 1) {
        elog("Not producing block because \"${producer}\" signed a BFT confirmation OR block at a higher block number (${watermark}) than the current fork's head (${head_block_num})",
            ("producer", scheduled_producer.producer_name)
            ("watermark", currrent_watermark_itr->second)
            ("head_block_num", hbs->block_num));
        \_pending_block_mode = pending_block_mode::speculating;

try {
  uint16_t blocks_to_confirm = 0;

  if (\_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
     // determine how many blocks this producer can confirm
     // 1) if it is not a producer from this node, assume no confirmations (we will discard this block anyway)
     // 2) if it is a producer on this node that has never produced, the conservative approach is to assume no
     //    confirmations to make sure we don't double sign after a crash TODO: make these watermarks durable?
     // 3) if it is a producer on this node where this node knows the last block it produced, safely set it -UNLESS-
     // 4) the producer on this node's last watermark is higher (meaning on a different fork)
     if (currrent_watermark_itr != \_producer_watermarks.end()) {
        auto watermark = currrent_watermark_itr->second;
        if (watermark < hbs->block_num) {
           blocks_to_confirm = std::min<uint16_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(), (uint16_t)(hbs->block_num - watermark));

  chain.start_block(block_time, blocks_to_confirm);//调用真正的Controller.cpp出块
void producer_plugin_impl::schedule_production_loop() {
   chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
   std::weak_ptr<producer_plugin_impl> weak_this = shared_from_this();

   auto result = start_block();//出块

   if (result == start_block_result::failed) {
      elog("Failed to start a pending block, will try again later");
      \_timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds( config::block_interval_us  / 10 ));

      // we failed to start a block, so try again later?
      \_timer.async_wait([weak_this,cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
         auto self = weak_this.lock();
         if (self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id) {
   } else if (\_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::producing) {
     \_timer.async_wait([&chain,weak_this,cid=++_timer_corelation_id](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
       auto self = weak_this.lock();
       if (self && ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted && cid == self->_timer_corelation_id) {
          auto res = self->maybe_produce_block();//完成出块
          fc_dlog(\_log, "Producing Block #${num} returned: ${res}", ("num", chain.pending_block_state()->block_num)("res", res) );
} else if (\_pending_block_mode == pending_block_mode::speculating && !\_producers.empty() && !production_disabled_by_policy()){
      // if we have any producers then we should at least set a timer for our next available slot
      optional<fc::time_point> wake_up_time;
      for (const auto&p: \_producers) {
         auto next_producer_block_time = calculate_next_block_time(p);
         if (next_producer_block_time) {
            auto producer_wake_up_time = \*next_producer_block_time - fc::microseconds(config::block_interval_us);
            if (wake_up_time) {
               // wake up with a full block interval to the deadline
               wake_up_time = std::min<fc::time_point>(\*wake_up_time, producer_wake_up_time);
            } else {
               wake_up_time = producer_wake_up_time;

      if (wake_up_time) {
      } else {
   } else {
      fc_dlog(\_log, "Speculative Block Created");

bool producer_plugin_impl::maybe_produce_block() {
   auto reschedule = fc::make_scoped_exit([this]{

   try {
      return true;

   fc_dlog(\_log, "Aborting block due to produce_block error");
   chain::controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
   return false;
void producer_plugin_impl::produce_block() {

  //idump( (fc::time_point::now() - chain.pending_block_time()) );
  chain.finalize_block();// 完成出块---下面是签名和提交块
  chain.sign_block( [&]( const digest_type& d ) {
     auto debug_logger = maybe_make_debug_time_logger();
     return signature_provider_itr->second(d);
  } );


void start_block( block_timestamp_type when, uint16_t confirm_block_count, controller::block_status s ) {
   FC_ASSERT( !pending );

   FC_ASSERT( db.revision() == head->block_num, "",
             ("db.revision()", db.revision())("controller_head_block", head->block_num)("fork_db_head_block", fork_db.head()->block_num) );

   auto guard_pending = fc::make_scoped_exit([this](){
   pending = db.start_undo_session(true);

   pending->_block_status = s;

   pending->_pending_block_state = std::make_shared<block_state>( \*head, when ); // promotes pending schedule (if any) to active
   pending->_pending_block_state->in_current_chain = true;


   auto was_pending_promoted = pending->_pending_block_state->maybe_promote_pending();

   const auto& gpo = db.get<global_property_object>();
   if( gpo.proposed_schedule_block_num.valid() && // if there is a proposed schedule that was proposed in a block ...
       ( *gpo.proposed_schedule_block_num <= pending->_pending_block_state->dpos_irreversible_blocknum ) && // ... that has now become irreversible ...
       pending->_pending_block_state->pending_schedule.producers.size() == 0 && // ... and there is room for a new pending schedule ...
       !was_pending_promoted // ... and not just because it was promoted to active at the start of this block, then:
      // Promote proposed schedule to pending schedule.
      if( !replaying ) {
         ilog( "promoting proposed schedule (set in block ${proposed_num}) to pending; current block: ${n} lib: ${lib} schedule: ${schedule} ",
               ("proposed_num", \*gpo.proposed_schedule_block_num)("n", pending->_pending_block_state->block_num)
               ("lib", pending->_pending_block_state->dpos_irreversible_blocknum)
               ("schedule", static_cast<producer_schedule_type>(gpo.proposed_schedule) ) );
      pending->_pending_block_state->set_new_producers( gpo.proposed_schedule );
      db.modify( gpo, [&]( auto& gp ) {
         gp.proposed_schedule_block_num = optional<block_num_type>();

   try {
      auto onbtrx = std::make_shared<transaction_metadata>( get_on_block_transaction() );
      push_transaction( onbtrx, fc::time_point::maximum(), true, self.get_global_properties().configuration.min_transaction_cpu_usage );
   } catch( const boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& e  ) {
      elog( "on block transaction failed due to a bad allocation" );
   } catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
      wlog( "on block transaction failed, but shouldn't impact block generation, system contract needs update" );
   } catch( ... ) {
      wlog( "on block transaction failed, but shouldn't impact block generation, system contract needs update" );


finalize_block 、sign_block、 commit_block 、abort_block等与签名和提交部分的代码都在这个模块中,就不再赘述,看代码就可以了。


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