
C Sharp

  • https://github.com/GetScatter/eos-sharp

    Eos eos = new Eos(new EosConfigurator()
      HttpEndpoint = "https://nodes.eos42.io", //Mainnet
      ChainId = "aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906",
      ExpireSeconds = 60,
      SignProvider = new DefaultSignProvider("myprivatekey")
  • https://github.com/eosnewyork/EOSDotNet

      var chainAPI = new ChainAPI("https://api.eosnewyork.io");
      string  _code  =  "eosio.token", _action  =  "transfer", _memo  =  "";
      TransferArgs  _args  =  new  TransferArgs(){ from  =  "account1", to  =  "account2", quantity  =  "1.0000 EOS", memo  =  _memo };
      //called asynchronously
      var abiJsonToBinAsync = await chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBinAsync(_code, _action, _args);
      //called synchronously
      var abiJsonToBinSync = chainAPI.GetAbiJsonToBin(_code, _action, _args);


  • https://github.com/eoscanada/eos-go

      api := eos.New("http://testnet1.eos.io")
      infoResp, _ := api.GetInfo()
      accountResp, _ := api.GetAccount("initn")
      fmt.Println("Permission for initn:", accountResp.Permissions[0].RequiredAuth.Keys)


  • https://github.com/EvaCoop/eosjs_python

      from eosjs_python import Eos
      eos = Eos({
          'http_address': '',
          'key_provider': '5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3'
          'creator': 'eosio',
          'name': 'mytestacc13',
          'owner_public_key': 'EOS7vTHtMbZ1g9P8BiyAGD7Ni7H6UALVLVCW13xZrXT4heCBke3it',
          'active_public_key': 'EOS8KKKYBBdwrmXRRynDXSxTX2qoT9TA4agahXXF4ccUgRCy81RNc',
          'buyrambytes_bytes': 8192,
          'delegatebw_stake_net_quantity': '100.0000 SYS',
          'delegatebw_stake_cpu_quantity': '100.0000 SYS',
          'delegatebw_transfer': 0
  • https://github.com/eosnewyork/eospy

      # Get chain information
      pycleos --url https://api.eosnewyork.io get info
      # get information about a block
      pycleos --url https://api.eosnewyork.io get block 447
      # Retrieve an account from the blockchain
      pycleos --url https://api.eosnewyork.io get account --account eosio
      # Retrieve the code and ABI for an account
      pycleos --url https://api.eosnewyork.io get code --account eosio


  • https://github.com/zyq20130111/eos_php

      /* Create the rest client */
      EosApiRestClient eosApiRestClient = EosApiClientFactory.newInstance("").newRestClient();
      /* Create the json array of arguments */
      Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>(4);
      args.put("from", "currency");
      args.put("to", "eosio");
      args.put("quantity", "44.0000 CUR");
      args.put("memo", "My First Transaction");
      AbiJsonToBin data = eosApiRestClient.abiJsonToBin("currency", "transfer", args);```
      /* Get the head block */
      Block block = eosApiRestClient.getBlock(eosApiRestClient.getChainInfo().getHeadBlockId());


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