您正在查看: EOS 分类下的文章

response_content_length >= 0: Invalid content-length response

EOS版本更新到 1.0.9+

root@iZ2zea5mjpcmz9m17k56daZ:~# cleos create account eosio eosio.token EOS5M2sNqDPZtQoBcRMnPQEnY1MJaVtdWWPx7A3UpcLgtzdLusFVW
420867ms thread-0   main.cpp:2756                 main                 ] Failed with error: Assert Exception (10)
response_content_length >= 0: Invalid content-length response

打开 keosd 的config.ini ubuntu的位置在 ~/eosio-wallet
修改(旧版添加) http-validate-host = false

如果此处无创建config.ini,则keosd可能加载的 ~/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/config/config.ini种的配置,修改此文件种的 http-validate-host = false
修改文件后pkill keosd 重启nodeos
github issues

EOS memo 最大字节数


Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure
Error Details:
assertion failure with message: memo has more than 256 bytes
