
root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u get account bcskillsurou
     owner     1:    1 EOS8127zAiVVtPMJoiXyX8oLiReNaj32VBsJXKuTLkJsQyubKcSt7
        active     1:    1 EOS6Zfj72f6kBVZQrbkcCCGhWGnUfkmFBZ6b4Ya76GVunTanVYhtC
     quota:     50.88 KiB    used:     3.365 KiB  

net bandwidth: 
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       0.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 bytes
     available:        18.78 MiB  
     limit:            18.78 MiB  

cpu bandwidth:
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       0.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 us   
     available:        3.751 sec  
     limit:            3.751 sec  

EOS balances: 
     liquid:        10000.0000 EOS
     staked:          200.0000 EOS
     unstaking:         0.0000 EOS
     total:         10200.0000 EOS

producers:     <not voted>


  • staked:自己给自己抵押,或者别人给你抵押时移交了币的所属(添加参数 --transfer
  • delegated:别人帮你抵押的,币的所属权归对方。


先让dappplaytestbcskillsurou NET和CPU各抵押10EOS,不转移币的所有权

root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u system delegatebw dappplaytest bcskillsurou "10 EOS" "10 EOS"
3081849ms thread-0   main.cpp:438                  create_action        ] result: {"binargs":"90b1cadec45aab49a0e9d5384607313aa08601000000000004454f5300000000a08601000000000004454f530000000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"delegatebw","args":{"from":"dappplaytest","receiver":"bcskillsurou","stake_net_quantity":"10.0000 EOS","stake_cpu_quantity":"10.0000 EOS","transfer":false}} 
executed transaction: ff8d82345bfb095bec396f258c62ee5c244577828993da26abb94e7deff5deb1  144 bytes  3307 us
#         eosio <= eosio::delegatebw            {"from":"dappplaytest","receiver":"bcskillsurou","stake_net_quantity":"10.0000 EOS","stake_cpu_quant...
#   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dappplaytest","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"20.0000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
#  dappplaytest <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dappplaytest","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"20.0000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
#   eosio.stake <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dappplaytest","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"20.0000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}


root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u get account bcskillsurou
     owner     1:    1 EOS8127zAiVVtPMJoiXyX8oLiReNaj32VBsJXKuTLkJsQyubKcSt7
        active     1:    1 EOS6Zfj72f6kBVZQrbkcCCGhWGnUfkmFBZ6b4Ya76GVunTanVYhtC
     quota:     50.88 KiB    used:     3.365 KiB  

net bandwidth: 
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:      10.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 bytes
     available:        20.66 MiB  
     limit:            20.66 MiB  

cpu bandwidth:
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:      10.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 us   
     available:        4.126 sec  
     limit:            4.126 sec  

EOS balances: 
     liquid:        10000.0000 EOS
     staked:          200.0000 EOS
     unstaking:         0.0000 EOS
     total:         10200.0000 EOS

NET和CPU的delegated 都显示了新转的10EOS
查看EOSpark,显示的是staked + delegated总抵押,并没有区分。



root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u system undelegatebw dappplaytest bcskillsurou "2 EOS" "2 EOS"
3549315ms thread-0   main.cpp:438                  create_action        ] result: {"binargs":"90b1cadec45aab49a0e9d5384607313a204e00000000000004454f5300000000204e00000000000004454f5300000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"undelegatebw","args":{"from":"dappplaytest","receiver":"bcskillsurou","unstake_net_quantity":"2.0000 EOS","unstake_cpu_quantity":"2.0000 EOS"}} 
executed transaction: db39983263b7e81f758360d62a1e62fa605d7f14abee288def78996e160f0e28  184 bytes  2437 us
#         eosio <= eosio::undelegatebw          {"from":"dappplaytest","receiver":"bcskillsurou","unstake_net_quantity":"2.0000 EOS","unstake_cpu_qu...


root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u get account bcskillsurou
     owner     1:    1 EOS8127zAiVVtPMJoiXyX8oLiReNaj32VBsJXKuTLkJsQyubKcSt7
        active     1:    1 EOS6Zfj72f6kBVZQrbkcCCGhWGnUfkmFBZ6b4Ya76GVunTanVYhtC
     quota:     50.88 KiB    used:     3.365 KiB  

net bandwidth: 
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       8.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 bytes
     available:        20.28 MiB  
     limit:            20.28 MiB  

cpu bandwidth:
     staked:        100.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       8.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:                 0 us   
     available:        4.051 sec  
     limit:            4.051 sec  

EOS balances: 
     liquid:        10000.0000 EOS
     staked:          200.0000 EOS
     unstaking:         0.0000 EOS
     total:         10200.0000 EOS

producers:     <not voted>

CPU和NET delegated 都减少了2EOS


root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u system undelegatebw bcskillsurou bcskillsurou "2 EOS" "2 EOS"
271082ms thread-0   main.cpp:438                  create_action        ] result: {"binargs":"a0e9d5384607313aa0e9d5384607313a204e00000000000004454f5300000000204e00000000000004454f5300000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"undelegatebw","args":{"from":"bcskillsurou","receiver":"bcskillsurou","unstake_net_quantity":"2.0000 EOS","unstake_cpu_quantity":"2.0000 EOS"}} 
executed transaction: f5f05f18655f4ded25ad8f8d56b6b3b0dfc340c6fd017019e9ca05612149554a  184 bytes  2209 us
#         eosio <= eosio::undelegatebw          {"from":"bcskillsurou","receiver":"bcskillsurou","unstake_net_quantity":"2.0000 EOS","unstake_cpu_qu...


root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos -u get account bcskillsurou
     owner     1:    1 EOS8127zAiVVtPMJoiXyX8oLiReNaj32VBsJXKuTLkJsQyubKcSt7
        active     1:    1 EOS6Zfj72f6kBVZQrbkcCCGhWGnUfkmFBZ6b4Ya76GVunTanVYhtC
     quota:     50.88 KiB    used:     3.951 KiB  

net bandwidth: 
     staked:         98.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       8.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:               185 bytes
     available:        19.91 MiB  
     limit:            19.91 MiB  

cpu bandwidth:
     staked:         98.0000 EOS           (total stake delegated from account to self)
     delegated:       8.0000 EOS           (total staked delegated to account from others)
     used:             5.182 ms   
     available:        3.971 sec  
     limit:            3.976 sec  

unstaking tokens:
     time of unstake request:  2018-08-02T06:04:32 (funds will be available in 71.99 hr)
     from net bandwidth:              2.0000 EOS
     from cpu bandwidth:              2.0000 EOS
     total:                           4.0000 EOS

EOS balances: 
     liquid:        10000.0000 EOS
     staked:          196.0000 EOS
     unstaking:         4.0000 EOS
     total:         10200.0000 EOS

producers:     <not voted>

CPU和NET staked 都减少了2EOS


获取当前账号下NET或CPU抵押数 分别等于staked + delegated
获取当前账号下NET或CPU赎回数和赎回时的当前时间(只显示最后一次发起时间)查看 unstaking tokens字段 (3天后完成)

    "account_name": "bcskillsurou", 
    "head_block_num": 7878445, 
    "head_block_time": "2018-08-02T06:18:01.500", 
    "privileged": false, 
    "last_code_update": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000", 
    "created": "2018-08-02T04:25:06.500", 
    "core_liquid_balance": "10000.0000 EOS", 
    "ram_quota": 52098, 
    "net_weight": 1060000, 
    "cpu_weight": 1060000, 
    "net_limit": {
        "used": 185, 
        "available": 20873227, 
        "max": 20873412
    "cpu_limit": {
        "used": 5182, 
        "available": 3970991, 
        "max": 3976173
    "ram_usage": 4046, 
    "permissions": [
            "perm_name": "active", 
            "parent": "owner", 
            "required_auth": {
                "threshold": 1, 
                "keys": [
                        "key": "EOS6Zfj72f6kBVZQrbkcCCGhWGnUfkmFBZ6b4Ya76GVunTanVYhtC", 
                        "weight": 1
                "accounts": [ ], 
                "waits": [ ]
            "perm_name": "owner", 
            "parent": "", 
            "required_auth": {
                "threshold": 1, 
                "keys": [
                        "key": "EOS8127zAiVVtPMJoiXyX8oLiReNaj32VBsJXKuTLkJsQyubKcSt7", 
                        "weight": 1
                "accounts": [ ], 
                "waits": [ ]
    "total_resources": {
        "owner": "bcskillsurou", 
        "net_weight": "106.0000 EOS", 
        "cpu_weight": "106.0000 EOS", 
        "ram_bytes": 52098
    "self_delegated_bandwidth": {
        "from": "bcskillsurou", 
        "to": "bcskillsurou", 
        "net_weight": "98.0000 EOS", 
        "cpu_weight": "98.0000 EOS"
    "refund_request": {
        "owner": "bcskillsurou", 
        "request_time": "2018-08-02T06:04:32", 
        "net_amount": "2.0000 EOS", 
        "cpu_amount": "2.0000 EOS"
    "voter_info": {
        "owner": "bcskillsurou", 
        "proxy": "", 
        "producers": [ ], 
        "staked": 1960000, 
        "last_vote_weight": "0.00000000000000000", 
        "proxied_vote_weight": "0.00000000000000000", 
        "is_proxy": 0

相对于cleos Rpc返回的数据要清晰一些

  • CPU或NET的总抵押等于cleos中的staked + delegated
    total_resources["net_weight"] NET的总抵押,
    total_resources["cpu_weight"] CPU的总抵押
  • CPU或者NET属于自己的抵押,等于cleos中的staked
    self_delegated_bandwidth["net_weight"] NET的自己抵押,
    self_delegated_bandwidth["cpu_weight"] CPU的自己抵押
  • 赎回信息
    refund_request["request_time"] 最后发起的赎回时间,3天后抵押EOS到账。
    refund_request["net_amount"] NET总赎回
    refund_request["cpu_amount"] CPU总赎回


    测试网测试方法参考(EOSpark EOS浏览器 + EOS Jungle Testnet